Friday, November 28, 2014

It's good to be back again

Hello blogging world.

My name is Jasmine. In case you haven't guessed, I'm a writer.

I know I'm not the only one, of course, and I don't necessarily think it makes me special.

But unlike a lot of budding novelists out there, I actually earn my bread and butter putting words down on paper. Which must mean that I'm good at it, at least some of the time. On occasion, I'll even look down at the page and feel proud of what I've written.

Anyway, I've done this blogging stuff before. I had a writing blog a few years back, but after a divorce and what some might call a mid-life crisis, I unplugged from the writing world, and the internet in general, for about a year. I spent quite some time figuring out where the hell I was going and what I was doing with my life. I gave up writing as a career. In fact, I gave up writing in general.

But of course, old habits die hard. I've never really been able to stay away from the keyboard, or the notebook, or whatever scraps of paper and pens I've got on hand. It took me awhile to find my way, and I must say it's a bit like re-entering society after a stint in rehab. I'm still shaky and unsure when I open up Scrivener, still worried that at any moment I might falter, or fail completely, and all my hard work will be for nothing.

It's a little pathetic sometimes, honestly, how I allow my lethargy and insecurity to drag me down. But I've come to realize that above all else, I need to be disciplined. I need some accountability. After those two things get in, drive and inspiration will follow. So, aside from working on my novel, I've started blogging again. It's time to share my thoughts and connect with fellow writers again. After all, who's ever going to read my stuff if no one knows I exist?

Stuff you can expect to find on this blog include:
  • Writing (character development, plot, technique, etc.)
  • Authors (ones I like, ones I dislike, thoughts on their advice or personal stories)
  • Book reviews (on occasion)
  • Various philosphical meanderings
  • Short stories
  • WIP Excerpts
  • Random crap from my life
Right. Well, time to get back to the WIP. Until next time.